課程名: 英語文法小精英 L6
級別: 小六
上課堂數: 15 (建議)
課堂時數: 1 小時 或 1 小時30分鐘 (建議)
導師: 具有大學學位的外籍英語導師;擁有相關教學經驗,和/或教學資格,如 TEFL、TESOL、CELTA、PGDE/PCEd 等等
Nitty Gritty Grammar 是一個全面且引人入勝的課程,旨在幫助學生自信地使用英語。 它是一本完全集成的語法參考和練習書,幫助學生理解可應用於日常生活的語法術語和用法。 在不同級別還提供了一些信息和事實的小資訊,以保持學生的參與,並希望鼓勵他們更多了解某個主題。
- 主題式的課程,涵蓋英語小學課程的所有基本語法領域,且融合劍橋英語YLE 語法框架 (Starters, Flyers, Movers)
- 關於語法用法和例外的綜合說明
- 每個單元中包含明確定義的學習目標
- 有助於理解的動畫插圖
- 各種各樣的練習來測試學生的理解,包括完形填空總結和校對
- 方便的語法筆記來概括基本的語法結構
Unit 1: Pronouns
- Reciprocal pronouns (each other / one another)
- Indefinite pronouns (someone / everyone / no one / anyone)
- Indefinite pronouns (everywhere / somewhere / anywhere / nowhere)
Unit 2: Countable and Uncountable Nouns
- Countable nouns
- Uncountable nouns
- Quantifiers
Unit 3: Describing Things
- Review of adjectives
- -ed and -ing adjectives
- Making comparisons
Unit 4: Adverbs
- Adverbs of degree (very / too / very much / too much)
- Adverbs of sequence
Unit 5: Revision of Present and Past Tenses
- Simple present tense and present continuous tense
- Simple past tense and present perfect tense
- Past continuous tense
Unit 6: In the Future
- Simple future tense
- be going to
- Other ways to talk about the future (with simple present and present continuous tenses)
Unit 7: Gerunds
- Gerunds as subjects
- Other ways to use gerunds (as objects and subject complements)
Unit 8: Infinitives
- Verb + to-infinitive
- Verb + object + to infinitive
Unit 9: Prepositions
- Time and date (on / in / before / after / during / from…to / at / until)
- Description (in / with / without)
Unit 10: Adjectives + Prepositions
- Adjectives + at / of / to / for
- Adjectives + about / with / by / in / from
Unit 11: Conjunctions
- so / so that / since
- unless
- before / after / until
Unit 12: Linking Conjunctions vs. Linking Adverbs
- but / however
- because / therefore / both…and / either…or / neither…nor
Unit 13: Relative Clauses
- who
- which
- where / when
Unit 14: Conditional Sentences
- Zero conditional
- First conditional
- Second conditional
Unit 15: Passive Voice
- Simple present and past form
- Present continuous and present perfect forms