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閱讀與寫作技巧訓練班 L6 Book 1


10 (建議)

1 小時 30 分鐘 (建議)

具有大學學位的外籍英語導師;擁有相關教學經驗,和/或教學資格,如 TEFL、TESOL、CELTA、PGDE/PCEd 等等

課程名: 閱讀與寫作技巧訓練班 L6 Book 1

級別: 小六

上課堂數: 10 (建議)

課堂時數: 1 小時 30 分鐘 (建議)

導師: 具有大學學位的外籍英語導師;擁有相關教學經驗,和/或教學資格,如 TEFL、TESOL、CELTA、PGDE/PCEd 等等


本課程旨在讓學生接觸他們在學校和日常生活中可能遇到的各種文本類型。 它旨在通過循序漸進的練習來發展和加強學生的閱讀理解和寫作技巧。


  • 本書由五對閱讀和寫作單元組成,涵蓋五個主題和文本類型
  • 閱讀單元幫助學生接觸到與固定主題和文本類型相關的各種詞彙和句子結構。 這些單元讓學生學習成為一名優秀讀者的技能,以及如何將他們的知識從閱讀應用到寫作
  • 寫作單元鞏固了閱讀部分所教的內容。 單元分析預設的文本類型,並教授學生各種語法結構和語言特徵,以提高寫作能力


Unit 1: Food for Thought 

    • Text type: Recipes
    • Skill: Reading
    • Activities:
      – Warm-up: Word chain
      – Reading: A taste of Britain
      – Reading comprehension
      – Reading skills: Sequencing instructions
      – Vocabulary

Unit 2: Food for Thought 

    • Text type: Recipes
    • Skill: Writing
    • Activities:
      – Text type overview: Recipes
      – Grammar: Imperative verbs
      – Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns
      – Writing skills: Linking words
      – Writing: My recipe

Unit 3: Far Far Away

    • Text type: Brochure
    • Skill: Reading
    • Activities:
      – Warm-up: If I were a millionaire…
      – Reading: Tropical Tahiti
      – Reading comprehension
      – Reading skills: Taking notes
      – Vocabulary

Unit 4: Far Far Away

    • Text type: Brochure
    • Skill: Writing
    • Activities:
      – Text type overview: Brochure
      – Grammar: Adjectives
      – Writing skills: alliteration
      – Writing skills: Rhetorical questions
      – Writing: My brochure

Unit 5: Bedtime Reading 

    • Text type: Book review
    • Skill: Reading
    • Activities:
      – Warm-up: All about books
      – Book genres
      – Reading: Rad girls can
      – Reading comprehension
      – Reading skills: Understanding intention, attitudes and feelings
      – Vocabulary

Unit 6: Bedtime Reading 

    • Text type: Book review
    • Skill: Writing
    • Activities:
      – Text type overview: Book review
      – Grammar: Relative clauses
      – Grammar and writing skills: Forming opinions, giving reasons, showing contrast (with conjunctions)
      – Writing: My book review

Unit 7: Famous People 

    • Text type: Biography
    • Skill: Reading
    • Activities:
      – Warm-up: Guess who
      – Reading: Marie Curie
      – Reading comprehension
      – Reading skills: Sequencing events in a timeline
      – Vocabulary

Unit 8: Famous People 

    • Text type: Biography
    • Skill: Writing
    • Activities:
      – Text type overview: Biography
      – Grammar: Simple past tense
      – Writing skills: Third-person narration
      – Writing: Biography of my idol

Unit 9: World Celebrations 

    • Text type: Encyclopaedia entry
    • Skill: Reading
    • Activity:
      – Warm-up: Unique festivals
      – Reading: The Day of the Dead
      – Reading comprehension
      – Reading skills: Distinguishing between facts and opinions
      – Vocabulary

Unit 10: World Celebrations 

    • Text type: Encyclopaedia entry
    • Skill: Writing
    • Activity:
      – Text type overview: Encyclopaedia entry
      – Grammar: Positions (time and date)
      – Writing skills: Generating ideas
      – Writing skills: Writing paragraphs
      – Writing: A famous festival