




舞台表演家 (銅): The Very Tiny Caterpillar


10 (建議)

1 小時 30 分鐘 (建議)

具有大學學位的外籍英語導師;擁有相關教學經驗,和/或教學資格,如 TEFL、TESOL、CELTA、PGDE/PCEd 等等

課程名: 舞台表演家 (銅): The Very Tiny Caterpillar

級別: 幼高

上課堂數: 10 (建議)

課堂時數: 1 小時 30 分鐘 (建議)

導師: 具有大學學位的外籍英語導師;擁有相關教學經驗,和/或教學資格,如 TEFL、TESOL、CELTA、PGDE/PCEd 等等


本課程旨在透過戲劇向學生介紹各種生活技能,這些技能是圍繞幼兒發展的活動而編制的。 通過戲劇學習,我們希望建立孩子以英語作溝通的自信,並透過分組活動以培養孩子的英語溝通和社交能力。 在本課程結束時,學生將能夠自信地表演戲劇,並將難忘的經歷帶回家。


本課程包括三個主要元素:戲劇技巧、團隊合作和擴闊詞彙。 通過需要團隊合作和互動的遊戲以及活動來教授即興創作、模仿、聲音投射和發音等戲劇技能。 每節課結束時都會介紹一小段歌曲,以增加學生的詞彙量,並增加他們學習英語的興趣。


Unit 1: Introduction

    • Warm-up: Getting to know you
    • What is acting?
    • The characters we know
    • My favourite animals
    • Animal miming
    • Line mirror
    • What’s a caterpillar?

Unit 2: Emotions

    • How do you feel?
    • If you’re happy and you know it
    • Pass the motion
    • Getting into character
    • The characters in our play
    • Song: Twinkle twinkle little star

Unit 3: Food and Eating

    • Warm-up: Group walk
    • Ways of eating and drinking
    • The rabbit and the frog
    • All about food
    • Let’s make up a new dish!
    • Song: The tiny caterpillar

Unit 4: Nature

    • Warm-up: Walking breath
    • Creating sounds (Voice)
    • What’s that sound?
    • Jungle noise
    • The sound of the jungle
    • Creating sounds (Body)
    • Song: What do caterpillars do?

Unit 5: Growing Up

    • A tree grows
    • We grow, too!
    • Butterfly life cycle
    • Patterning
    • 10-second object game
    • Music and songs
    • Song: Fly fly butterfly

Unit 6: Articulation

    • Articulation
    • Minimal pairs
    • Tongue twisters
      – How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
      – Peter Piper
    • Tone of voice
    • Same word, different tones
    • Song practice
      – The tiny caterpillar
      – What do caterpillars do?

Unit 7: Scripts and Stories

    • Egg, caterpillar, butterfly game
    • Story reading: The very hungry caterpillar
    • Story sequencing
    • The ugly duckling
    • Script reading
    • Casting
    • Practise lines

Unit 8: Props and Preparation

    • Warm-up: Crossing the line
    • Preparation: Props
    • Practice: Lines
    • Game: Alphabet letters
    • Song practice
      – Twinkle twinkle little star
      – Fly fly butterfly

Unit 9: Rehearsal

    • Warm-up: Lap clap snap
    • Rehearsal: Play
    • Game: Circles & crosses
    • Game: Look up, look down
    • Rehearsal: Songs
    • Discussion

Unit 10: Performance

    • Warm-up: Octopus
    • Preparation
    • Rehearsal
    • Pre-performance warm-up: Hokey Pokey
    • Performance
    • Debriefing: Reflection