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課程名: 小小DJs:旋轉英語電台
級別: 小四 – 小六
上課堂數: 10 (建議)
課堂時數: 1 小時 30 分鐘 (建議)
導師: 具有大學學位的外籍英語導師;擁有相關教學經驗,和/或教學資格,如 TEFL、TESOL、CELTA、PGDE/PCEd 等等
課程旨在培養學生自信地發聲。 在課程結束時,學生將能更清晰地表達自己,主持廣播節目,並與同齡人用英語交流。
- 學習公開演講技巧,有效地以英語表達想法和觀點
- 學習聲音調節技巧,透過發聲練習來控制音調和聲音的投射力
- 培養以熱情、創意和清晰地傳達思想、故事和訊息的能力
- 引領討論、進行演講和參與小組活動
- 探索不同文化主題以增廣見聞,學習欣賞和尊重文化多樣性
- 熟習自信地以英語溝通
Unit 1: Introduction
- Warm-up: Introduce yourself
- Icebreaker: Truth or lie
- Teambuilding: Mingle mingle group
- Vocabulary: Word association
- Basic radio-hosting skills
- Group discussion
- Cool-down: Human knot
Unit 2: News and Announcements
- Warm-up: Picture headlines
- How to deliver news
- Role-play: Eureka news
- Reading and writing news or announcements
- Writing: Scenarios
- Role-play: School news and announcements
Unit 3: Musical Tunes
- Warm-up: Survey
- Vocabulary: Musical instruments
- Introduction to English music
- Sharing: My favourite song
- Introducing songs on the radio
Unit 4: Interviews
- Warm-up: If this is the answer, what is the question?
- Introduction to interviews
- Voice: Asking questions
- Introduction to English music
- Role-play: Student radio interview
- Question time: Interview the teacher and a special guest
Unit 5: Storytelling
- Warm-up: Vocal warm-ups
- Storytelling techniques
- Emotions and feelings
- Storytelling practice
- Interviewing the character
Unit 6: Celebrations
- Warm-up: Countdown lists
- Introduction to festivals
- Learning about St. Patrick’s Day
- Introducing a festival on the school radio
- Reflection: Reasons for celebrating festivals
- Discussion: Celebrating cultural Diversity
Unit 7: Sports Competitions
- Warm-up: Guess that sport
- Vocabulary: Sports lists
- Discussion: School sports
- Sports on the radio
- Sports commentary
- Role-play: Swimming gala
- Bonus: Cool-down
Unit 8: Review That!
- Warm-up: Agree or disagree
- Introduction to reviews
- Elements of a review
- Expressing opinions
- Writing and presenting a review for the school radio
Unit 9: Practice!
- Option 1: Write and practice a radio script
- Option 2: Role-play and practice a prepared radio script
Unit 10: Showtime!