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課程名: Eureka Phonics: Sounds Right!
級別: 小一 – 小六
上課堂數: 10 (建議)
課堂時數: 1 小時 30 分鐘 (建議)
導師: 具有大學學位的外籍英語導師;擁有相關教學經驗,和/或教學資格,如 TEFL、TESOL、CELTA、PGDE/PCEd 等等
Eureka英語拼音學課程旨在讓學生學習語音,成為自信的演講者和閱讀者。 一起Sounds Right吧!
- 學習及複習字母、字素和發音; 及讀音相同但意思/串法相異的字詞
- 單字中的不用發音的字母
- 介紹各種詞尾以便於發音
- 透過混音和分段幫助學生有效率地說和讀單詞
- 學習高頻詞(包括棘手的單字)
- 互動促進學習並吸引學生參與
Unit 1: x (gz), zh, Silent Letters
- The sounds of X
- Game: Roll and read
- The ‘zh’ sound
- Game: Which sound do you hear?
- Silent letters (k, w, b)
- Game: Sh!
- Segment, chunk and blend
Unit 2: The ‘or’, ‘oi’ and ‘ow’ Sounds
- The ‘or’, ‘oi’ and ‘ow’ sounds
- Revision game: Splat!
- Alternative spellings
- Game: Battleships
- Segment, chunk and blend
- Spelling bee
Unit 3: The ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ Sounds
- Review: The ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ sounds
- Activity: Word list
- Alternative spellings
- Game: Spin the wheel
- Speed reading challenge
- Consolidation exercise
Unit 4: The ‘f’, ‘w’ and ‘j’ Sounds
- Review: The ‘f’, ‘w’ and ‘j’ sounds
- Activity: Mirror line
- Alternative spellings
- Activity: Pointing sounds
- Asking questions
- Speed reading challenge
Unit 5: The ‘k’ and ‘ch’ Sounds
- Review: The ‘k’ and ‘ch’ sounds
- Activity: Word list
- Alternative spellings
- Activity: Colour the sounds
- Speed reading challenge
- Spelling bee
Unit 6: The ‘air’ and ‘ear’ Sounds
- Review: The ‘air’ and ‘ear’ sound
- Game: Touch the wall
- Alternative spellings
- Segment, chunk and blend
- Storytelling
- Consolidation game: Mystery squares
Unit 7: The ‘s’ and ‘sh’ Sounds
- Review: The ‘s’ and ‘sh’ sounds
- Alternative spellings
- Game: At the races
- Game: Roll and read
- Speaking: Tongue twisters
- Spelling bee
- Speaking consolidation
Unit 8: The ‘ir’ Sound
- Review: -The ‘ee’ sound and alternative spellings
- Game: Word reveal
- Introduction: -er endings
- Game: Spaceships
- Pronunciation: The
- Storytelling
Unit 9: The ‘ee’ Sound and -er Endings (schwa)
- Review: -The ‘ee’ sound and alternative spellings
- Game: Word reveal
- Introduction: -er endings
- Game: Spaceships
- Pronunciation: The
- Storytelling
Unit 10: d/-ed Endings, -le Endings,
- Introduction: -d/ed ending
- Game: Casino
- Introduction: -le ending
- Activity: Fill in the blanks
- Spelling bee
- Speaking consolidation