Excellence in NET Service Provision
Eureka’s team of native and local English instructors can work full-time or part-time at schools or learning centres as native-speaking English teachers (NETs) and English Language Teaching Assistants (ELTAs).
Since Eureka’s establishment, over 800 NETs have been deployed. Eureka’s NETs mostly come from English-speaking countries such as the UK, Ireland, the USA, Australia, Canada and South Africa. Eureka always strives to connect the right teacher with the right school.
Eureka’s knowledge of language and passion for quality education are demonstrated through the team’s rigorous teacher selection and deployment processes. We make sure that such palpable passion and knowledge are equally ingrained into each of our handpicked teachers, and then passed on to the students in Hong Kong. We offer training opportunities and organise social activities for our teachers so that they can have the right skills and social wellbeing to thrive at work.