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Course Name: Pre-S1 English Summer Bridging Programme (Catholic & Christian)
Level: Pre-S1
No. of Lessons: 10 (Suggested)
Lesson Duration: 1 hr 30 mins (Suggested)
Instructors: Native English teachers with a university degree ; related teaching experience, and/or teacher training such as TEFL, TESOL, CELTA, PGDE/PCEd, etc.
Leaflet: for Catholic / for Christian
This ten-day summer bridging course is designed based on the Biblical Fruit of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control). The course aims to strengthen students’ morals and sense of civic responsibilities through relevant English listening, writing, reading and speaking practices, thereby helping to develop their characters and outlooks and allow them to adapt effectively to their new learning environment.
Day 1: Joy
Topic: Education
- Greetings and introductions
- Game: Alphabetical order
- Video: The joys of learning
- Discussion: What do you enjoy about school?
- Game: Funny faces
- Reading: Joy in school
- Video: Can you teach happiness in schools?
- Discussion: Happiness instructor
- Game: Clap on five
- Reading: Education in Finland
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Writing: Spreading joy at school
Day 2: Self-Control
Topic: Technology
- Warm-up: Don’t blink
- Brainstorm: What is technology?
- Discussion: Life without…
- Language and technology
- Video: Are you a tech addict?
- Quiz and speaking: Are you addicted to technology?
- Video: Cookie Monster practises self-control
- Discussion: How do you self-control?
- Game: 5-4-3-2-1
- Reading: Technology for self-control
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Writing: Self-reflection
Day 3: Goodness
Topic: Popular Culture
- Survey: My favourite…
- Brainstorm: What is popular culture?
- Discussion: Pop culture from around the world
- Video: How pop culture shapes reality and stereotypes
- Stereotypes in Hong Kong
- Video: Celebrities and charities
- Discussion: How charitable are you?
- Game: Trading places
- Reading: Celebrities and charities
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Writing: Do you think pop culture is good for society?
Day 4: Kindness
Topic: Home and Neighbours
- Warm-up: My dream home
- The cost of living across the globe
- Discussion: Pros and cons of my neighbourhood
- Video: Where good exists
- Five neighbours riddle
- Video: Colour your world with kindness
- Discussion: What can I do to be kind?
- Game: Human knot
- Reading: Kindness between neighbours
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Writing and speaking: Encouraging students to be kind
Day 5: Love
Topic: Heritage Buildings
- Warm-up: Where is this?
- How are heritage buildings judged?
- Discussion: What I love about Hong Kong
- Photo presentation: Hong Kong
– Then and now - Game: Ugly or beautiful
- Video: Preserving old buildings through love
- Discussion: Should old buildings be saved?
- Game: Mingle, mingle, group!
- Reading: Heritage preservation in Hong Kong and Macao
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Groupwork and presentation: Which building to save?
Day 6: Peace
Topic: Immigration
- Survey: Where would you like to live?
- Brainstorm: Why do people move?
- Video: Migration
- Speaking: Who’s in and who’s out?
- Immigration poem
- Video: Peace on Earth
- Discussion: Migration as an opportunity to build peace
- Game: Would you rather…?
- Reading: The richest countries take the fewest refugees
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Role-play and writing: Immigration officer
Day 7: Gentleness and Patience
Topic: Discrimination
- Warm-up: Sorting
- Video: Discrimination
- Discussion: What is discrimination?
- Reading: Peter and Lucy
- Challenging stereotypes
- Why do we discriminate?
- Video: Unity against discrimination
- Reading: Overcoming disabilities
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Game: Silent ball
- Discrimination role-play
- Activity: Notes of kindness
Day 8: Faithfulness
Topic: Family
- Warm-up: Nosy neighbours
- Activity: My picture family
- Video: What is family?
- Discussion: What is family?
- Family riddles
- Video: The gift of a foster parent / Learning sign language for a deaf sibling
- Discussion: Being loyal and loving to family and friends.
- Activity: Sign language
- Reading: Love and trust are key
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Writing : What I love about my family and friends
Day 9: Wisdom
Topic: In the Workplace
- Warm-up: Types of jobs
- Video: What job is right for you?
- Quiz: Employment in Hong Kong
- Game: Would you rather….?
- Reading: The benefits of working abroad
- Speaking and reflection: Pros and cons of different jobs
- Writing and individual presentation: When I am 25 years old…
Day 10: Knowledge
Topic: Leisure and Sports
- Warm-up: Sporting mime
- Quiz: Test your sporting knowledge
- Discussion: False advertising?
- Speaking: Product advertisement
- Game: Brain break
- Video: How playing sports benefits your body and your brain
- Discussion: Do people do enough sports in Hong Kong?
- Reading: Sports in society
– Vocabulary building
– Comprehension - Writing and individual presentation: Afternoon fitness programmes for students