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Course Name: Reading Explorers: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Level: Primary 5 to 6
No. of Lessons: 14 (Suggested)
Lesson Duration: 1 hr 30 mins (Suggested)
Instructors: Native English teachers with a university degree ; related teaching experience, and/or teacher training such as TEFL, TESOL, CELTA, PGDE/PCEd, etc.
Leaflet: Click here
Cultivate active reading habits and create a vibrant learning atmosphere through this interactive course.
- Grammar and vocabulary in context.
- Chapter-by-chapter in-depth comprehension tasks
- Character analysis and development
- Critical thinking and creative activities
Unit 1: Introduction
- Warm-up: My favourite book
- Story Prediction Activity
- Front cover
- Blurb
- Characters
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 1 and 2
Unit 2: Chapter 1 to 2
- Warm-up: My favourite treat
- Chapter 1-2: Reading comprehension
- Activity: Family tree
- Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives
- Chapter 2: Designing a chocolate bar
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 3 to 5
Unit 3: Chapter 3 to 5
- Warm-up: My chocolate bar
- Chapter 3 to 5: Reading comprehension
- Reading skill: Summarising
- Activity: Golden ticket advertisement
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 6 and 7
Unit 4: Chapter 6 to 7
- Warm-up: What is chocolate?
- Chapter 6 and 7: Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary: Positive and negative adjectives
- Activity: Acting out
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 8 to 10
Unit 5: Chapter 8 to 10
- Warm-up: Chocolate advertisements
- Chapter 8 to 10: Reading comprehension
- Reading skill: Characterisation
- Activity: Opening the chocolate bar
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 11 to 12
Unit 6: Chapter 11 to 12
- Warm-up: How much do I need?
- Chapter 11 to 12 : Reading comprehension
- Grammar and Reading: Descriptive Verbs
- Activity: Charlie’s diary
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 13 to 15
Unit 7: Chapter 13 to 15
- Warm-up: How would you feel?
- Chapter 13 to 15: Reading comprehension
- Grammar: Adverbs
- Activity: Willy Wonka’s chocolate room
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 16 to 18
Unit 8: Chapter 16 to 18
- Warm-up: Musical numbers
- Chapter 16 to 18: Reading comprehension
- Reading skill: Foreshadowing
- Activity: Augustus’s chant
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 19 to 21
Unit 9: Chapter 19 to 21
- Warm-up: True or false
- Chapter 19 to 21: Reading comprehension
- Reading skill: Summarising
- Activity: Willy Wonka’s Inventing Room
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 22 to 24
Unit 10: Chapter 22 to 24
- Warm-up: Safety signs
- Chapter 22 to 24: Reading comprehension
- Language: Puns
- Activity: Mystery rooms
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 25 and 26
Unit 11: Chapter 25 to 26
- Warm-up: Play with words
- Chapter 25: Reading Comprehension
- Acting: In the glass lift
- Chapter 26: Reading comprehension
- Reading skill: Contrasting environments
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 27 and 28
Unit 12: Chapter 27 to 28
- Warm-up: What is an invention?
- Chapter 27 to 28: Reading comprehension
- Grammar: Simple future tense
- Activity: The power of vitamins
- Reading assignment: Chapter’s 29 and 30
Unit 13: Chapter 29 to 30
- Warm-up: My best prize
- Chapter 29 to 30: Reading comprehension
- Reading skill: Inferring feelings and emotions
- Activity: Acting out
Unit 14: Review
- Warm-up: Jeopardy
- Reading: Determining the moral of the story
- Activity: A letter to Mr Wonka
- Activity: An Oompa-Loompa song for Charlie