Want to Be a Teacher?

The Eureka Team has knowledge of and passion for education, as well as empathy with those who have taken the leap to work in a foreign city. We connect both local and overseas English teachers with rewarding job placements where they can gain solid teaching experience, whilst providing our recruits with comprehensive support in areas such as visa sponsorship, school liaison, training, interview preparation, networking, cultural experiences, career advice, housing consultation and more. It is this palpable dedication to their teachers that makes Eureka a well-trusted working partner.

Please visit our recruitment programme page for more details.


At the end of the day, teaching English to ESL students is not something that just anyone can do. Just because you speak English fluently, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have the skills to teach it effectively. Getting certified in TESOL, TEFL or CELTA allows you to not only prove to your employers that you have received proper training as an ESL teacher, but also to learn how to put yourself into your students’ shoes and plan lessons that answer their needs. If you are a less experienced teacher, a TESOL/TEFL or CELTA course will also get you acquainted with the essential know-how of teaching, such as classroom management and student rapport development. 

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It takes more than courage to teach abroad. It takes more than love to call a new place your second home. Eureka’s English teachers from a number of different countries share their adventures about teaching in Hong Kong and offer us a sneak peek into their daily lives in a foreign city. Along the way, they also give a shout-out to their company, Eureka Language Services, which has played a significant part in their journey.

We care. We support. We connect.
We are here for your teaching journey.


Teacher Testimonials

“When I first moved to Hong Kong, I was very grateful for Eureka. They helped me find an apartment and put me in touch with some quick part-time jobs, which really helped me establish myself in the city.”

— Steve P.

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Teacher Recruitment Programme

The Eureka Teacher Recruitment Programme provides international teachers with the opportunity to teach English in Hong Kong for 9-12 months while gaining access to free regular training workshops led by Eureka’s experienced teacher trainers. The Programme allows you to work in a paid position at a school or a learning centre, where you can utilise and develop your teaching skills in a foreign environment.

Both experienced teachers and fresh graduates from all disciplines are welcome to apply!

Our Recruitment Partners

Register as a Private Tutor

Would you like to teach one-on-one or small groups? Become a private tutor to assist English language learners who are seeking a more personalised learning experience and flexible learning schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many hours per week do teachers have to work?

Teaching schedules may vary from school to school. The examples below give a general idea of how teaching schedules are like in Hong Kong:

• Full-time: Mon – Fri 8:00am – 5:30pm and/or occasional Saturday mornings
• Part-time: morning session/afternoon session; alternative days of week
• Project-based: Flexible work schedule

Primary schools:
• Full-time: Mon – Fri 8:00am – 5:30pm and/or occasional Saturday mornings
• Part-time: morning session/afternoon session; alternative days of week
• Project-based: Flexible work schedule

Secondary schools:
• Full-time: Mon – Fri 8:00am – 5:00pm and/or occasional Saturday mornings
• Part-time: morning session/afternoon session; alternative days of week
• Project-based: Flexible work schedule

Native English Teachers (NETs) may be required to work outside their teaching schedule and location, such as during after-school hours and occasional weekends, within or outside their school.

2. What types of courses do teachers get to teach?

Cambridge Young Learners Courses, KET and PET, Phonics, Speaking, Reading and Writing, Interview, Drama, Debate, etc.

3. How many students are there in a standard Hong Kong classroom?

Class sizes in Hong Kong public schools may vary. Teachers can expect to have between 30 – 37 students per class. For after-school classes, the class size is around 10 – 25 students per class.

4. How many holidays are teachers given?

Schools are given flexibility over the number and distribution of school days and school holidays to suit the specific needs of the students and the circumstances of the school.

The major school holidays include Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Easter, and the summer holidays. It is not unusual for teachers to be required to perform duties during school holidays. However, due to school-specific requirements, this number may vary.

You can also refer to below link for latest Hong Kong General Holiday:

5. What should I know about finding accommodation in Hong Kong?

Apartments in Hong Kong are generally smaller and more expensive than other places. Rental costs in different districts within Hong Kong vary greatly in price. For a general idea of rental costs in Hong Kong, please click the link below:

6. Can my spouse work in Hong Kong?

Dependants of persons admitted for employment (as professionals, investors or for training) or as capital investment entrants are not prohibited from taking up employment. For more details, you can refer to the website below: (Dependants Visa)

7. What is the new visa fee structure for overseas teachers in Hong Kong?

As of February 26, 2025, the Hong Kong Immigration Department has introduced a revised visa fee structure under the General Employment Policy (GEP). The new fees are:

  • Application Fee: HK$600 (US$77) – required at the time of submission.
  • Issuance Fee:
    • HK$1,300 (US$167) for visas valid for more than 180 days.
    • HK$600 (US$77) for visas valid for 180 days or less.
8. Will Eureka cover the visa fees for successful candidates?

Yes! Eureka will pay the visa application fee upfront and fully reimburse the issuance fee once the candidate successfully arrives and starts working with us in Hong Kong.

9. Who is eligible to apply for an employment visa under the GEP?

To qualify for an employment visa under the GEP, applicants must:

  • Have a confirmed job offer from a Hong Kong employer.
  • Possess relevant academic qualifications and/or work experience.
  • Demonstrate that the job cannot be readily filled by local candidates.
  • Receive a salary and benefits package that aligns with market standards in Hong Kong.
10. Where can I find official information on the visa application process?

You can find detailed information on the Hong Kong Immigration Department’s official website: https://www.immd.gov.hk/eng/services/visas/GEP.html.

11. What is the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme?

The Mandatory Provident Fund is a retirement protection system. It is a statutory requirement under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (MPFSO) (Cap. 485) that all employees in Hong Kong have to enroll in an MPF scheme.

12. How much will I need to contribute to the MPF scheme?

The contribution rate for both the employer and the employee as set out in the current provisions of the MPFSO is 5% of the employee’s income (excluding Special Allowance), subject to the maximum level of income of HK$30,000 per month.

Please refer to below link for your use:

13. Can I be exempt from the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance?

An employee can be exempt from the provisions of the MPFSO under certain circumstances which include the following:

Permission is given to the person to land or remain in Hong Kong for the purposes of employment under the conditions of stay imposed in accordance with section 11 of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115); and the period during which the person is given permission to remain in Hong Kong does not exceed 12 months; or

The person is a member of a provident, pension, retirement or superannuation scheme established outside Hong Kong. (Such schemes include personal retirement scheme as well as national retirement scheme. It does not matter whether or not the member is making contributions to the overseas scheme when the person is employed in Hong Kong.)
(Only applicable to employee)

14. Do I need to pay tax when working in Hong Kong?

As a non-resident working in Hong Kong, you are liable to salaries tax. Salaries Tax is charged for every person in respect of his/her income arising in or derived from Hong Kong from any office or employment of profit and any pension. Income includes all income, perquisites and fringe benefits from the employer or others.

You can refer to this website for the updated basic allowance:

15. How is my salaries tax computed?

Salaries Tax is chargeable on the smaller of your net chargeable income at progressive rates and your net total income at standard rate. In this regard,

(1) Net Chargeable Income = Total Income – Deductions – Allowances
(2) Net Total Income = Total Income – Deductions.

Tax rates for the year of assessment 2018/19 onwards#

Net chargeable income (net of allowances)

On the First 50,000 2%
On the Next 50,000 6%
On the Next 50,000 10%
On the Next 50,000 14%
Remainder 17%

Net total income (no allowances)
Standard rate 15%
(Please refer to the example of Q14)

16. How do I pay my salaries tax?

Your employer shall fill in an employer’s return and notification forms (IR56B and IR56M) and return them to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) before May of this year, therefore IRD will mail Tax Return – Individuals (BIR60) on the first working day of May to you. If it is your first time paying tax, IRD will set up a new account for you, so your tax return forms mailing date is not fixed.

If you do not receive your tax return forms, you can notify IRD by filling in the IR6167 form (http://www.ird.gov.hk/chs/pdf/ir6167.pdf) within 4 months after a year of assessment (which is before July 31st).

If you receive your tax return forms, you must complete and return the forms to IRD within 1 month from the date the forms were sent.

You can make use of the online taxation calculator to calculate your tax:

You must inform IRD immediately if you change your postal address. Please find the Notification of Change of Postal Address for your use.

Provisional Salaries Tax of the following year is also required by IRD. Therefore the total salaries tax you need to pay is:

Total Salaries Tax for 2021/22 = Salaries Tax required 2021/22 + Provision Salaries Tax 2022/23

17. When do I pay my salaries tax?

Your salaries tax can be paid in 2 installments, in January and April of the following year separately.


A. I earned a salary of $40,000 and contributed $1,500 to a Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme per month as from 1 October 2021. How is Salaries Tax computed for 2021/22?

Year of Assessment 2021/2022
Income ($40000 x 6 months) $240,000
Less: MPF contributions ($1,500 x 6 months) ($9000)
Net Total Income $231,000
Less: Basic allowance ($132,000)
Net Chargeable Income $99,000
Progressive Rate  
Salaries Tax payable – First $50,000 (2% progressive) $1,000
Balance $49,000 x 6% $2,940
Salaries Tax payable at progressive rate $3,940
Standard Rate  
Salaries Tax at standard rate $231,000 x 15% $34,650
Salaries Tax payable (the smaller amount) $3,940
Less: 100% Tax reduction (capped at $10,000*) ($3,940)

(*Note – Government Tax Refund) For 2021/22, 100% of the final tax payable under profits tax, salaries tax and tax under personal assessment would be waived, subject to a ceiling of $10,000 per case.

B. Do I have to pay Provisional Salaries Tax (PST) for 2022/23?

Yes, the Salaries Tax demand note for you consists of two components:

2021/22 Salaries Tax $0
2022/23 PST $38,100
Total Salaries Tax Payable $38,100

Calculation of PST for 2022/23 is based on the income for 2021/22, but grossed up to 12 months, as follows:

Year of Assessment 2022/2023
Income ($40000 x 12 months) $480,000
Less: MPF contributions ($1,500 x 12 months) ($18,000)
Net Total Income $462,000
Less: Basic allowance ($132,000)
Net Chargeable Income $330,000
Progressive Rate  
Salaries Tax payable – First $200,000 (2-14% progressive) $16,000
Balance $130,000 x 17% $22,100
PST payable at progressive rate $38,100
Standard Rate  
Salaries Tax at standard rate $462,000 x 15% $69,300
PST payable (the smaller amount) $38,100

C. Questions A & B show that my total tax payable is $38,100 (Salaries Tax required 2021/22 [$0] + Provision Salaries Tax 2022/23 [$38,100]). When do I pay? Do I pay by two instalments?

Normally you would be asked to pay the sum of $38,100 by 2 instalments as follows:

  Amount Payable Due date
1st instalment $28,575 ($38,100 x 75%) Around Jan 2023
2nd instalment $9,525 ($38,100 x 25%) Around April 2023

By 1 January 2023 you would have earned income for 9 months to 31 December 2022 (75% of annual income). By 1 April 2023 you would have earned income for the 12 months to 31 March 2023. Hence, paying provisional tax is not paying tax in advance, nor paying tax on future income.

18. What should I do when I need to leave Hong Kong when my contract ends/I resign?

There are two significant things you need to deal with in this case: Tax Clearance and Withdrawal of Accrued Benefits of the MPF Scheme.

A. Tax clearance
You should notify our HR department no later than 1 month before the expected date of your departureIR56G form will be given to you by us. You will complete IR56G form and take it to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) for tax clearance. If tax is settled by cheque, a letter of release will normally be sent by post 10 days after receipt of cheque. If you require the IRD to issue the letter of release immediately after payment, you should pay in cash, by EPS or cashier order. If you are exempt from tax, the IRD will still issue a letter of release upon completion of the tax clearance procedures. You will receive a “Letter of Release” after settling the tax from IRD and please kindly give the “Letter of Release” to us to confirm your departure.

B. Withdrawal of Accrued Benefits of the MPF scheme
1. Please kindly fill in the form MPF(S)-W(O). DOWNLOAD
2. After that, you should make a Statutory Declaration(MPF(S)-W(SD2)) at the Home Affairs Department about leaving Hong Kong permanently. DOWNLOAD
 Locations of Home Affairs Department: http://www.had.gov.hk/en/contact_us/index.htm
3. Please bring form MPF(S)-W(O), MPF(S) – W(SD2), HKID, passport, Letter of Release (from Inland Revenue Department) to our MPF company.